I suffer from severe white-page-intimidation. It makes it difficult to post to a blog, especially, because on top of ‘Holy crap, that’s a lot of blank space how the hell am I going to fill it?!?’ there’s a huge dose of ‘People are going to see this! Like, NOW! It has to be PERFECT!’

I don’t say this as an excuse for my lack of posting, but more of an explanation. I think I have an idea to help alleviate this, and to encourage myself to get back to a much more regular and consistent posting pattern.

To this end, I’ve decided I will do a couple of things: First, I’m coming up with a schedule for myself, not so much a binding document but more of a prompt, to remind me to post and to help with that ‘What do I write?!?’ terror. Second, I’ve decided that I’m going to go ahead and launch a Patreon profile and attach it to my stories… and it will be up as soon as I figure out what I want to do for my promo video. Lastly, I’ve revived my fractals project and set up Apophysis to support it.

Hopefully I can keep this ball rolling, now that it’s been… um… rerolled?