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<The following is an excerpt from the personal journal of the third Dimensional Sensing Project team lead>

We have been able to settle into a comfortable rhythm which allows us to gather a fairly complete picture of Bronzebanners’ development. It is amusing to me how the creatures’ development and growing expertise mirror my own team’s experience during this time.

I will allow Stukos to speak for them, as we have been able to copy and translate most of her personal logs.

Summer, 252

If only the fools in the Mountainhomes who sneered at my faith in my settlers could see us now.

Several groups of new settlers have arrived in the last year, and our fortress now totals 50 Dwarven adults. Even more exciting, we have had our first batch of births as well, with 5 babies born throughout the spring.

At the end of the spring, as the last of the chill was forced out by the sun, a second miracle happened. Cerol Mengiseth, a woodcarver working in the crafting halls, suddenly claimed an entire craftshop and kicked everyone else out. I visited her to make sure she was ok, and she was hard at work scribbling plans for some sort of device, her words written in some kind of code.

When she saw me, she snapped “Metal bars! And the skin of a yak!” and then glared at me so fiercely I hurriedly left again. I flagged down the first few dwarves I came across and ordered them to set up a smelting operation immediately.

I then visited the paddock and ordered one of the largest yaks we had to be slaughtered, and a feast prepared from its meat. I also ordered one of the recent immigrants, who happened to be a tanner by trade, to set up a tanning station in the main trade hall. I’ve seen this kind of mania in a Dwarf before, and it signals the creation of a great work.

We expect more information to be forthcoming – a large data package was just delivered to the translation folks, and we think that it contains some major events.

In closing, I will include some more recent images of the fortress, to show how they have expanded their holdings.

We can see how the living level has expanded to house the new arrivals.

We can see how the living level has expanded to house the new arrivals.

Here in the crafting center, we can see the recent improvements - two new storage areas and their associated workshops have been dug out and set up.

Here in the crafting center, we can see the recent improvements – two new storage areas and their associated workshops have been dug out and set up.